Thursday, 27 November 2008

Ryan Leslie plays 'Heartless'

Everytime i post up something to do with Ryan Leslie i always say that he never fails to amaze me with his talent - this is no acception! Remember when he played to Lil Wayne's 'Lollipop'? That was hot right!? (click here if you don't remember!!) Here is Ryan playing to Kanye's 'Heartless' and he kills it AGAIN!

Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Saturday, 22 November 2008

This Is How We Do Volume 4 & Podcast #36

Every year i bring out 2 mixtapes, at the beginning of the year i brought out Volume 3 and now its time for Volume 4. Over an hour of non stop club bangers cut up and mixed up by yours truley, enjoy and let me know what you think, drop me an e-mail.

Part 1
Part 2

and heres this weeks Podcast, #36:

Download here

Friday, 21 November 2008

Slim Ft. Ryan Leslie & Fabolous - Good Lovin [Video]

I've been playing this track on my Podcasts for a long long time. Most tracks with R Les on is a winner for me.

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Kanye West - 808's & Heartbreak [Kaws Album Cover]

This is the Kaws special addition album cover for the new Kanye album. One word - DOPE!

If you pre order the album on itunes now then you will get this cover! I've already pre ordered mine!!

Monday, 17 November 2008

Bashy Freestlye's on DJ MK's Show, KISS FM

MK calls Bashy 'One of the UKs best MC's' no doubt! Bashy is doing his thing right now! And he kills it on these freestyles...

Btw MK has a new show on KISS alongside Shortee Blitz, Sunday's 9-11pm, big Hip Hop show!!

Sunday, 16 November 2008

Quantum of Solace

I've seen this film twice this weekend. Despite many mixed reviews (mainly being negative ill be honest) i had to go and see this, I'm such a huge James Bond fan i just couldn't give it a miss.

If you haven't seen it then GO NOW, ignore the shit reviews - they are just that, shit.

DJ Cable - 80's Mix

My dude Cable does a sick 20 min mix every week, you can get them here. This week he has thrown together some classic 80's jams in this lil throwback mix.


01. Afrika Bamaataa & The Soul Sonic Force - Planet Rock
02. Debbie Deb - When I Hear Music
03. Run DMC - It's Like That
04. Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five - Message II (Survival)
05. Egyptian Lover - Egypt Egypt
06. Dead Or Alive - You Spin Me Round
07. Salt-N-Pepa - Push It

Download it here

Podcast #34 & 35

I forgot to post up last weeks Podcast on here so heres #34 and this weeks #35.

This week was all about the new Kanye joints!

Podcast #34:

or Download here

Podcast #35:

or Download here

Rihanna - Rehab [Video Preview]

Been feeling this tune since last summer.

DJ Drama Presents: Lil Wayne Dedication 3 Mixtape

DJ Drama is back with another mixtape, got this in my inbox last night but I haven't had the chance to check it out yet.

Get it here

Nardwar Interviews Common

This guy cracks me up with every interview he does!

from DJ Cable's blog

Sunday, 9 November 2008

N-Dubz - Papa If You Hear Me [Video]

I know im seriously late with this one but its taken me all this time to feel this track! Last Saturday i was with N-Dubz and they performed this track and tore it down! Fingers crossed for a number 1 its getting so much airplay. N-Dubz work damn hard and their album drops very soon too!!!

Saturday, 8 November 2008

KISS Academy Plus

Last Saturday i was at The Roundhouse in Camden, London for the KISS FM Acadmemy. There was only around 30 people who were accepted so i felt kinda privaliged. The academy is basically a day of different workshops run by the workers at KISS FM. Workshops included:

  • Presenting with Neev & Jez Welham
  • Station Sound
  • Editing
  • Basic Mixing with Justin Wilkes
  • Advanced Mixing with DJ Swerve
  • Q & A with Manny Norte
  • Production with Lord Fader of The Loose Cannons
  • Specialist show producing

There was also a suprise performance by N-Dubz, they performed I Swear, Ouch and Papa and killed it!!

Although some of the workshops such as the mixing & scratching ones were slightly basic for me it was still an experience to have people like Swerve teaching you and kinda fun to see peoples reactions when they were struggling to do a basic beat match and i straight up did it 1st try lol!

Matt Lomax - Editing

Justin Wilkes - Basic Mixing (check the back of my head 20 secs in!)

Lord Fader - Production

Neev - Presenting

Simon - Station Sound

Me and Manny Norte (that flash did me no justice!)

Me and Lord Fader

Me and DJ Swerve

Q-Tip On The David Letterman Show

Smacks it! 'Move' is my favourite track on the ablum, sounds sick live!

50 Cent - Get Up [Video]

Looking all futuristic!

Friday, 7 November 2008

Kanye West - Love Lockdown [Live at EMAs]

Yes 2 Kanye posts back to back!! Kanye kills it with this performance, no he can't sing but yes this track is dope as hell and this performance fitted this amazing stage perfectly.....

Kanye West - Heartless [Video]

Damn i love this tune and now i love the video too, sick concept as always, yeezy never fails to impress!


Heartless from kwest on Vimeo.

Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Ludacris Ft. T-Pain - One More Drink [Video]

This track is hot!

History Has Been Made

I've been following this election like mad, the right decision was made.

He did it!

Jadakiss Ft. Ne*Yo - By My Side [Video]

I'm really loving this track at the moment, video isn't bad either!

Tuesday, 4 November 2008

History Will Be Made

Ludacris - Theatre of The Mind [Video/ Tracklisting]

Why just have plain old boring text when you can do a video?

This album is going to be HOT HOT HOT!

Craig David - Insomnia [Video]

I played this track in the mix on Podcast #33 this week (get it off my Myspace). Its kinda hot and i know it will be a smash!

Monday, 3 November 2008

DJ Swerve

DJ Swerve is the reason why i got into deejaying, hes the reason im at where i am right now, he is my God. I've been lucky enough to meet him many times and sit in on his shows at KISS FM, he was also one of the judges at the competition i won, 'Are You The CK ONE' in November 07.

Last night on KISS he announced it would be his last ever Sunday Selecta show.. 'wtf' i thought?! He said their was good news to follow and he wasnt joking! He announced that he would be doing Monday-Thursday nights 9-11pm (used to just be Tuesday nights). This morning i got this sent....

'Just a quick message to let you know what the big announcement is.Starting
from tonight I will be on Kiss 9-11pm on Monday-Thursday, that's 4 shows a
week!I'm really excited about it and would love those of you who can to tune
into the first show tonight.The new format takes all the best bits from the
Tuesday show (mixes, special guests and exclusives) and adds a brand new
request section (the spirit of Sunday Selecta lives on!).The home page featuring my blog, tracklistings and cool videos can be found
You can also access the Kiss Kube to listen again to the latest show.Hope you can catch it!'

Thats got to be one of the biggest promotions you can hope for right?!

Looks like KISS is making major changes, Dynamite MC has been dropped from Monday nights, Big Ted & Shortee Blitz from Wednesdays and MK from Thursdays, though Blitz and MK will have a Sunday night show replacing Sunday Selecta. Now wheres that WM show!?!

Sunday, 2 November 2008

Kanye West - 808s & Heartbreak [Album Cover]

It's simple but i really like it.

Lil Wayne - Mrs Officer/ Comfortable

I love both of these tracks. Comfortable is my favourite on the album and Weezy has put them both into one video...